ʚ♡ɞ angelic musings...

Name: Kitten ! ˚₊·
Age: 21
Pronouns: they/them + it/its
ID: non-binary non-binary + progress pride flag queer + angled aro-ace flag aspec +  alterhuman
Terms: system / parts language + nonhuman / neutral terms


Physical: PCOS + anemia + MCAS
Mental: severe MDD + C-DID + C-PTSD + autism + ED-NOS + GAD
Self-DX: AvPD with other cluster C traits, atypical anorexia-BP
Extra: we experience a lot of fatigue and are very avoidant of social interaction, so we might disappear for long periods!


Current Interests: film + tea + stuffed animals + kandi + children’s cartoons + psychology + sci-fi/fantasy + nutrition
Other Interests: alternative/indie music + playing piano + mathematics + faith deconstruction + self-shipping + philosophy + coding + literature + group classical performance (band/choir) + investigative fiction and law

blinkie that says bedrotting angel blinkie that says internet friends blinkie that says dead but pretty blinkie that says anguish, agony even
blinkie that says me when i blinkie that says please kill me blinkie that says made to be used blinkie that says chronically online