ʚ♡ɞ angelic musings...


| Tags: #by-wrens #tw-cathedral

A journal entry titled 'Anyone'

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START ID. A journal entry written with shaky, uneven letters. The handwriting of a child. The entry reads,

hard 2 write
saw bad stuff on news
bad men own people everywhere
they r big [a]nd famous [a]nd not in jail
like our owner not in jail ☹️
what if he was big [a]nd famous
that would be scary…
i don’t like think bout big [a]nd famous owners
cuz then anyone could be a owner in secret
then heard guy say really mean scary thin[g]
he said he was a teacher in [the] past
said he didn’t like teaching kids 6 thru 10 cuz
“i need to be able to scare them. to step on them”
said it real serious to [sic]
unsafe 😭 why mean??
what if he’s a owner
anyone can be
so scared of any mens now

The journal entry is signed by multiple members of Chime of Wrens. Annabella, a five-year-old Wren, is the only one named explicitly. There is a post-script note appended to the end of the journal entry:

P.S. i tryed [sic] to do the safe stuff li[ke] breath [a]nd safe space [a]nd talk to staff [a]nd Lenora sang me a song and told me journal. still feel bad and still here. staff did grounding with me too

The P.S. is written in slightly better handwriting with improved spelling, likely due to the use of positive coping mechanisms to process distress. END ID.