A Letter From Princess
NOTE: This letter was written during a turbulent relationship with our then-roommate/partner. The name of this person is abbreviated for his privacy.
To the others inside,
I don’t think it’s very fair, the way that you all talk about L when you’re asking for advice. You make him out to be evil and bad, when he’s just struggling. You don’t acknowledge all that he does for us, and you don’t emphasize how much he loves us and cares for us. It’s not right. It’s quite mean, actually.
Who else called us in the hospital every day to make sure we were ok? Who else reached out while we were living at the shelter, giving us a safe and domestic place to be over the weekend? Who else hugs us after nightmares and flashbacks? Who else tells us I love you? NO ONE. NO ONE ELSE does any of that, and you just want to leave?
It’s not fair to him. He’s doing his best. He does so much for us that he’s practically our caretaker, even though he’s our age. He’s so young, and yet he still helps us with groceries, meds, making meals, reminding us about hygiene tasks, and so so much more. He knows how to talk us out of dissociative episodes and flashbacks and intense self-harm urges. He helps us in ways that no one else ever has. And you can argue about insignificant things he’s done all you want, but he is the best thing to happen to us since we left Him.
You’re all pushing him away by being mean in your heads. And you don’t give him what he needs! You don’t ever be quiet and listen, you don’t eat his food and wash the dishes, you don’t comfort him and rub his back—you don’t do ANYTHING. He doesn’t even want to sleep in the same bed as us anymore. Soon he’ll realize he doesn’t actually love us, and then we’ll really be all alone in the world.
Is that what you want? You want us to be alone forever? Because that’s what it feels like.
I love him. I love him so much, and you want to take that away from me. You all make fun of me for loving Him, but now I love someone else too, and suddenly that’s bad too. It’s not fair! I think you all are just mean, and you’re too scared to admit it.
Just love him. Just stay with him. He’s our home, our life, our love. Please just let me love him!
— 002/Princess